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Thank you

Before the internet revolution, wealthy patrons would commission works of art, research and development from the recognizable artists, explorer or scientific of the day. Nowadays crowd funding is working on the same idea, but rather than looking for a large contribution from a wealthy patron, people look for small contributions from lots of people. In other words is a new way to support entrepreneurs or creative people in their projects.

By using this technique Introspectus production will be able to pre-sell or give credits or other goods and services in an effort to finance the the post-productio the movie.


Honorary Associate Producer

Your name

Associate Producer

Your name

Thank you


Marie-Caroline Plaquet
Emilie de Bellefroid

Marie-Pierre van Wassenhove
Christian Delloye

Chloé Harmel

Cédric Byl

Valentine Roelandt

Baby Love

Antoine Cardyn

Douglas Debroux

Kim Lauwers

Nicolas Couplet

Guibert del Marmol

Roland Vaxelaire

Stéphanie Lippens

Ariane Lippens

Amandine Cumps

Coralie Closon

Laurence De Windt

Tom de Dorlodot

Alexis Nolet
Julien Pirsoul
Laurent Javaux

Francis Blokker

​Valérie Busquin

Copyright Wise Cluster 2017

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